Sunday, June 11, 2006

Can You Hear the Pipes Lad?

Yesterday we went to the Highland Games here in Delta. A lot of interesting competitions for dance and music with two reviews of the mass bands where all the competing bands played as one. No hagis burgers! I have always enjoyed the Scottish Pipe and Drum bands. A favourite memory from when we were cruising was when a piper on another boat played one evening while we were anchoured in a beautiful BC coast inlet. Tricia's mom, Rosie, always said she liked them best when they played "Far, Far, Away" in Scotland....and she was the only one with some Scottish blood in her??? (maiden name Alexander). What fond memories do you have of the pipes? Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Joy Anderson and half a dozen members of her pipe band would march the children's rythm band to the hall over the boathouse at Leonard's Beach. It was the start of the Labour Day concert and corn roast.
Who says your memory fades when you get old?

beejaysoo said...

Yes Bob, I also remember Joy and when she practised her pipes while marching up and down the path to the "outhouse" your old dog "Brownie" would howl right along with her