Sunday, December 30, 2007

1.4 Million Lights

Tonight we went to view the beautiful light display at the VanDusen Gardens in Vancouver. The lights provided quite an impressive display but I think Teo and Jacob had more fun being transported around. There were 1.4 Million lights but as you can see, the boys were only interested in the one light that they could touch.
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Thursday, December 27, 2007

Teo's School Bus

Try to imagine a room full of two year olds, five days a week, as your choice of employment. Congrats to the girls who run these Day Care Centres!!! Photographer did a pretty good job of getting them all to stand still for the picture.
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Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas!!!

This Santa Claus was my Mom and Dad's for several years and then we inherited it. We're thinking it is about 50 years old and he comes out every Christmas just like the real guy. He's one of those Christmas decorations that just lasts and batteries! (I hope no one is offended by the "HoHoHo" cheer he is spreading)
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Tricia's Christmas Quilt

This quilt is about 5' square and made of a million pieces....quite a work of art!!!

Happy Christmas everyone!!!
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Santa Loves Jacob

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Sunday, December 16, 2007